Allen, Texas is also a good place to raise a family. The city is growing at a steady pace and adding good family business, parks and attractions. They recently built a brand new library and recreation center. The recreation center has indoor swimming. There are other rec. centers in parks around the city also.
The Allen High School houses Collin County Community College classes (9th - 12th grade students can participate). The high school also offers Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate classes.
Music classes start in kindergarten, and Allen High School has the largest marching band in the United States.
It's quite a sight to see and hear!
A two bedroom apartment starts around $750 per month and goes up from there. Below are links with houses for lease or rent in the area.
The weather can get down to the 20's also, but it never stays there long. If we get a snowy or icy day, it usually only lasts 1 to 3 days. The Summer can be mild or downright unbearable depending on El Nino or La Nina (warmer or cooler Pacific Ocean temperatures). We have had Summers with temperatures in the 110's or higher for weeks at a time. Drought is included with the higher temperatures and also water rationing. We can go up to 6 weeks without rain at times. July and August are the hottest months. January and February are the coldest months, but never for very long.
Frisco has a lot of jobs. Plano, Richardson, McKinney and Allen have computer jobs also.
P.S. Plano schools are good...believe me...we have to compete with them academically so who would know better! Allen schools are just a tiny smidge better if you look at the statistics on the Neighborhood Scout website.